
Bitcoin FilmFest 2025 | Beyond The Frame

What started as a small but an important event in March 2023—the world’s first Bitcoin-themed film festival—has grown into a must-attend gathering for independent creators, cinema buffs, and freedom advocates alike.

Over the past two years, BFF has carved out a unique space, not only as one of the most distinctive Bitcoin “conferences” but also as a platform actively supporting the broader artistic landscape inspired by the pursuit of truth and bold storytelling.

The 2nd edition in April 2024 stood out by including Europe’s largest Bitcoin Halving Party in its program, highlighted by an impressive laser projection of the Bitcoin logo onto Warsaw’s second-tallest building—a moment that made headlines and still resonates with attendees and media.

This year, the 3rd edition of Bitcoin FilmFest aims to raise the bar even higher while staying true to its genuine, community-driven ethos.

BFF25: One Ticket and Four Exclusive Fays

The event kicks off on May 22 with fun-based networking and Bitcoin Pizza Day celebrations, extending the program by an extra day. From May 23-25, the festival will focus on its core lineup—film and artistic creativity.

As quoted directly from the official event website: “Where centralized scripts end, new narratives begin—explore the uncharted stories beyond the frame.” With some early highlights of the program already revealed, this year’s BFF promises to add extra layers to the entire cinematic experience.

Some of the novelties of this edition are Bitcoin-themed commercials and AI. The former will even have its own space to be voted on and awarded in several categories, while the latter will be followed by thought-provoking discussions, adding even more flavor to the event.

At the heart of the program, attendees can expect shorts and feature-length screenings, meet-and-greets with creators, and—continuing the tradition from previous editions—the official awards ceremony for winning titles in categories like Best Movie, Best Story, Best Short, and Audience Choice.

Special attention will be given to pilot productions and a Movie Pitch Contest, which—judging by the submitted topics—almost seamlessly blends the Bitcoin ethos with art and fiction.

Beyond the screen, BFF25 will once again host a Community Stage for selected projects and individuals—educators, writers, musicians, and so—to share their work through a few engaging sessions.

Attendees can also look forward to thematic workshops (from privacy and freedom-tech to filmmaking), inspiring conversations in smaller side-event settings, and, of course, a dose of entertainment with stand-up comedy, live music shows, and parties.

Detailed information will soon be available on the official communication channels, including mailing, social media, and the event website.

Here’s a tiny sneak peek at some of the highlighted titles

There are also special guests representing different areas. To name a few, the following are all expected at Bitcoin FilmFest 2025:

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